Farewell to Our Beloved Clients

After 42 wonderful years, we are closing our doors with a heavy heart. We want to thank each and every one of you for your loyalty and support throughout the years. It has been a true pleasure serving you and being a part of your lives. While this chapter may be closing, the memories and connections we’ve made will always remain. Thank you for being a part of our Araminta family.




The collection presents itself in a graceful-feminine look; graceful as regards the colour harmony, and rock-and-roll, coolly-masculine regarding the colour contrasts – on the basis of black and nougat, with light accents provided in cream and pale pink.
Araminta Laadukkaat Naisten Vaatteet, Naisten Erikois Vaateliikkeet. Naisten Vaatekaupat, Naisten Vaateliikkeet, Luksusbrandien, Escada, Laurel, MaxMara, Aigner, Cambio, Sportalm, Nice Connection, naisten vaatteet turku, Araminta Turku, Naisten saappaat, Naisten Hamet, Naisten puserot , Naisten housut, Naisten takit, Naisten kengät, Naisten vyöt, Naisten erikois vaatekauppa Turku, woman clothing Turku, luxury brands, Escada, Laurel, MaxMara, Cambio, Sportalm, Nice Connection, Luisa Cerano, woman collection, Naisten vaateliike Turku, Naisten vaatekauppa Turku, Naisten vaatteita Turku
MaxMara Araminta Turku Finland
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22 Pictures
Luisa Cerano Araminta Turku Finland
Luisa Cerano Araminta Turku Finland
MaxMara Araminta Turku Finland
MaxMara Araminta Turku Finland
MarcCain Araminta Turku Finland
Luisa Cerano Araminta Turku Finland
MarcCain Araminta Turku Finland
MarcCain Araminta Turku Finland
Max Mara Araminta Turku Finland
Max Mara Araminta Turku Finland
Max Mara Araminta Turku Finland
MarcCain Araminta Turku Finland
Sportalm Araminta Turku Finland
Marc Cain Araminta Turku Finland
Sportalm Araminta Turku Finland
Sportalm Araminta Turku Finland
Sportalm Araminta Turku Finland
Max mara Araminta Turku Finland

Our Brands

Araminta MarcCain Turku

Marc Cain

Whether you're looking for smart women's business wear for the office or elegant formal evening wear for a special occasion.

Araminta Max Mara Turku


We love the luxury of reducing options to essentials and choices to the chic must-haves. Simplicity lies at the heart of timeless style.

Araminta Luisa Cerano Turku

Luisa Cerano

The collection presents itself in a graceful-feminine look; graceful as regards the colour harmony, and rock-and-roll, coolly-masculine.

Araminta Sportalm Turku


The signature is unmistakable, the story incomparable. The company as a family, Kitzbühel as home, the brand as a friend.

Araminta Aigner Turku


Women’s bags by the Munich label AIGNER promise timeless design paired with traditional leatherwork craftsmanship

Araminta Cambio Turku


Functionality, comfort and luxury design-a new way of life. CAMBIO radiates a new attitude towards life, fashion for everyday.

Our Shop Closed Its Doors After 42 Years..

Araminta has been selling famous brands since 1982 in Turku Finland. We curate the most beautiful collections for our clients from brands such as MaxMara, Laurel, Luisa Cerano, Cambio, Sportalm, Nice Connection, Aigner….

liike suljettu

Näkemiin rakkaille asiakkaillemme

42 upean vuoden jälkeen suljemme ovemme raskaalla sydämellä. Haluamme kiittää jokaista lojaalisuudesta ja tuesta vuosien varrella. On ollut todella ilo palvella sinua ja olla osa elämääsi. Vaikka tämä luku saattaa olla päättymässä, tekemämme muistot ja yhteydet säilyvät aina. Kiitos, että olet osa Araminta-perhettä.





Kauppiaskatu 4,
20100 Turku